Dermaplaning: Unveiling Radiant Skin


Embark on a journey to unveil radiant skin through dermaplaning—a meticulous technique offering a smooth, glowing complexion. Explore the intricacies of this exfoliating treatment designed to revitalize your skin, leaving you with a renewed radiance.


Table of Contents

Skin Revitalization

Revitalize your skin with the delicate touch of dermaplaning. Experience a treatment crafted to gently exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin, unveiling a fresh, luminous complexion.

The Dermaplaning Procedure

Dermaplaning involves the use of a surgical scalpel to gently remove dead skin cells and fine vellus hair, commonly known as peach fuzz, from the surface of your skin. This non-invasive treatment leaves your skin feeling smoother and looking brighter.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Explore the myriad benefits of dermaplaning, from immediate skin-smoothing effects to enhancing the absorption of skincare products. This treatment aids in diminishing the appearance of fine lines, promoting a radiant and youthful glow.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Following dermaplaning, embrace a gentle skincare routine. Avoid harsh exfoliants and protect your skin from sun exposure. Moisturize regularly to maintain your skin's newfound smoothness.


Dermaplaning stands as a gentle yet effective method to achieve radiant skin. Delve into this treatment and embrace the benefits it offers in your journey towards a revitalized, glowing complexion.

Book an Appointment today! visit: ABLashes, Bling & Beauty!

Other Services

Revitalize your skin with professional microneedling treatments for a radiant complexion. Click here for: Microneedling

FAQs about Dermaplaning

Q: Is dermaplaning suitable for sensitive skin?
A: Dermaplaning is generally safe for most skin types, but it's best to consult a skincare professional for personalized advice, especially if you have highly sensitive skin or active acne.

Q: How often should I get dermaplaning done?
A: Dermaplaning can be done every 3 to 4 weeks to maintain results. However, the frequency may vary based on your skin's needs and the advice of your skincare professional.

Beauty Spa

AB Lashes @ Benjamin Boutique
810 Dagenham Road,
RM10 7UB

Mon to Fri - 4pm to 8pm
Sun - 10am - 3pm